I was talking to Jenny the other day and she was wanting to see my kids. :) I was telling her Hannah has really long hair...at the moment. I'd like to get it cut and donated. I did Lauren's that way. I took pictures of them tonight before bedtime. I can't seem to get pictures done when we are headed to church. We have just enough time to get out the door and pictures just aren't on the agenda. :) I know I should do better so I can get some nice pictures. They are growing a wee bit too fast to say the least.
I have pictures of Levi in a rim that Shane bought for his truck. :) It is cute. The kids said he climbed in there all by himself. It is sweet.
We are doing well around here. Still hanging in there and praying the Lord's will for our lives. I know we'll know in His timing. Our hearts are certainly still in WA. I know God knows our desires.
I don't think I posted Levi's nine month stats. He is a tall skinny boy. I tend to grow them that way. :) Thankfully they have their dad's height and not their mom's "shorts". HEE HEE! :) Anyway, he was 18.6 pounds and just under 30 inches. That is 95% for height and less than 25% for weight. LOL! :) He has a couple curls that are quite precious. I have a picture in there and hopefully you can see them. Shane told me not to get too attached. LOL! No worries, but they are pretty cute while they last. I guess it is hair that never fell out on each side above his ears.