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South Carolina, United States

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Even more pictures

These are the hunting pictures. The box stand is where Shane and I hunted. It was very pretty out there.


Jenny said...

Oh,Joy... what a blessing to see all your photos!!! It was so wonderful to see the kids! Oh...sniff... but where are you?! We want to see YOU too!! Quick, go right now and take your photo! Hee hee... and send it to me so I can see you. Haha... I'm guessing you won't do that...sigh... I will have to imagine you then. How cool that you went hunting with Shane!! Wow... was it totally boring? Or did you get to enjoy some quiet snuggle time? hee hee. I have never hunted. Your Christmas looked beautiful! Lauren is looking so grown up! And Hannah looks soooo much older! Hope you post again soon!

Joy said...

Nope, no picture of me. LOL! Not sure, but I supposse I was just the one taking them. MIL took lots of us, but I don't have them. Kinda funny how that was. Plus most that were taken looked pretty, well not so great, of me. LOL! We did have a GREAT time hunting. It was sooo peaceful and quiet. It was just nice being alone with off and on rain hitting the metal roof. I didn't get wet but Shane had a constant drip down his neck. I felt bad. But we had a wonderful time!

Joy said...
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Jenny said...

Wow, that is a NICE stand!! It's so nice to have something to protect you from the elements, and disguise body movement. :) What fun! I love the pic of Hannah sitting next to and checking out the deer. Brave girl---though knowing her I am not surprised! :)